TSHILUBA.co is the world’s leading online Tshiluba dictionary. What is Tshiluba? Tshiluba is a Bantu language of Central Africa and one of the four National languages of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Tshiluba is primarily spoken in a large area in the Kasaï Occidental and Kasaï Oriental provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
This website is primarily used for defining words in Tshiluba, as well as translating them from Tshiluba into French or English and vice-versa. Use the search bar by typing in the desired word in english, french, or tshiluba. With luck, the word you seek may already be included in the TSHILUBA.co database. For any words which are not found, consider they have not been added to our database at the time of your search. Otherwise, review your search word for correct spelling.
When searching for a word, do not enter more than one word at a time. This search engine is not designed to search for phrases or sentences. Please enter a single word, or a hyphenated word into the search bar for the best results.
Do not search for pre-conjugated words. For example, to find the verb "eat" in Tshiluba, type in the search bar "eat", or type the French word "manger." You may also type "kudia" in Tshiluba and you will find the correct result. Entries such as "I eat" or "je mange" will return "not found."
For all lubaphones, do not hesitate to leave a comment to express your thoughts on a word as you see fit. Feel free to email us at info@tshiluba.co
For the directory of all the words included in the TSHILUBA.co dictionary database, visit the index page.