Francais | English | Tshiluba |
gosier n gorge (familier) n |
gullet n throat (informal) n |
dibodi tshi4 pl dibodi tangila: diminu |
Explication Le dibodi désigne la partie du throat qui inclut principalement le pharynx et l'œsophage, impliquée dans la déglutition et la digestion des aliments. Ce terme est souvent employé de manière familière ou figurative, notamment dans des expressions liées à manger et boire. Explanation Dibodi refers to the throat, specifically the pharynx and the esophagus, which are involved in swallowing and digesting food. It is often used in a colloquial or figurative sense, particularly in expressions related to eating and drinking. Diumvuija ---- |
Voir également | See also | Tangila kabidi :: bikoyikoyi, disu, dibele, difu, dikasa, dikaya, dikiki, dikoshi, dikoba, dinu, ditaku, ditama, ditshi, diulu, kampombu, ludimi, lukofi, lusuki, luzadi, mashi, muana wa nkasa, mubidi, muedi, mufuba, mukana, mukolu, mumpempe, munu, muntu, munyinyi, muoyo, mushiku, mutu, mutshima, nshingu, nyuma, tshiadi, tshiala, tshianza, tshibalubalu, tshifu, tshikankanya, tshilafinyi, tshinu, tshitumpampa, tshisulusulu |