"Se produire" : Se dit d'un événement qui se déroule ou se produit, souvent de manière inattendue ou sans intention délibérée. Cela décrit quelque chose qui survient sans planification préalable ou sans attente particulière.
"Happen" is a verb that refers to the occurrence or occurrence of something, especially when it takes place without prior planning or expectation. It denotes an event, an action, or a situation that occurs, unfolds, or takes place, often spontaneously or by chance. It's used to describe things that come into existence or take place without deliberate intention or design.
Voir également | See also | Tangila kabidi
:: kufika,
Ils vous diront tout ce qui se passe ici.
They'll tell you everything that is happening here.
Nebanuambila malu onso adi enzeka kuneku. :