--a tshijila muf
wa tshijila
ya tshijila
dia tshijila
bua tshijila
lua tshijila
tshia tshijila
kua tshijila
1. The act of voluntarily refraining from an indulgence, such as alcohol, food, or sexual activity.
French: Abstinence – le fait de s’abstenir volontairement de certaines actions ou plaisirs, comme l'alcool, la nourriture ou l'activité sexuelle.
2. Saint ou sacré – qui est sacré, consacré à une cause religieuse ou associé à la divinité.
1. The act of voluntarily refraining from an indulgence, such as alcohol, food, or sexual activity.
2. Sacred or dedicated to a religious purpose; something or someone associated with divinity and deserving respect or reverence.