The National Anthem 'Debout Congolais' in Tshiluba

The National Anthem of the Democratic Republic of Congo 'Debout Congolais' was written in 1960 Joseph Lutumba, this translation into Tshiluba was created by an unknown author, yet it captures the essense and spirit of Congolese Nationalism.

A Congolese Patriot standing on the backdrop of the DRC flag

Translating any language into Tshiluba can be a difficult task without understanding the nuances of translation. Some words or phrases that are expressed in one language may not exist in the language being translated. There have been various versions of 'Debout Congolais' translated by various authors in attempts to create a universal translation for tshilubaphones; however, there is one version that surpasses them all and rises above the standard. Some may say the version in Tshiluba is better than the original!

Debout Congolais in Tshiluba

Debout Congolais
Arise Congolese
Jukayi Bena-Kongo

Unis par le sort
United by fate
Basangisha mu dibikila

Unis dans l'effort pour l'indépendance
United in the struggle for independence
Basangisha mu mvita ya budikadidi buetu

Dressons nos fronts
Let us hold up our heads
Ambulayi mpala

longtemps courbés
so long bowed
kale minamisha

Et pour de bon, prenons le plus bel élan, dans la paix
And now, for good, let us keep moving boldly ahead, in peace.
Tshiendelele, tuele etshi tshia tshiakane, mu bupole.

O peuple ardent
Oh, ardent people
Miadi ya mvita

par le labeur
by hard work
Mu bukole buetu

nous bâtirons, un pays plus beau qu'avant, dans la paix
we shall build, a country more beautiful than before, in peace
Ne tuase ditunga dipite dia mbangilu, mu bupole

Bena muabu


l'hymne sacré de votre solidarité
The sacred hymn of your solidarity
Kasala ka tshikuma ka bobumwe

Ne musangelu


l'emblème d'or de votre souveraineté, Congo.
The golden emblem of your sovereignty, Congo.
Mbendela wa lumu lua budikadidi, Congo.

Don béni (Congo)
Blessed gift (Congo)
Tshihelu (Congo)

des aïeux (Congo)
of our forefathers (Congo)
Tshia bankambua (Congo)

O pays (Congo)
O land (Congo)
Ditunga (Congo)

bien aimé (Congo), Nous peuplerons ton sol et nous assurerons ta grandeur.
Oh beloved (Congo), we shall people your soil and ensure your greatness.
Dinangibue (Congo), ne tukuuje ne tuleje butumbi buebe.

(Trente juin) O doux soleil
(June 30) Oh gentle sun
Makumi asatu ditalala

(trente juin) du trente juin
(June 30) of June 30
Kashipu nkenza makumi asatu

(Jour sacré) Sois le témoin
(Holy day) Be witness
Dia tshikuma tshibangilu

(jour sacré) de l'immortel
(Holy day) of the immortal
Dia tshikuma tshia kashidi

serment de liberté
oath of freedom
Ndondo wa budikadidi

Que nous léguons, à notre postérité, pour toujours.
That we pass on to our children forever.
Wa kushila ndelanganyi yetu, tshiendelele.

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