The Bible in Tshiluba:
The Book of Matthew

In this article, we platform the written work of The Bible Society of the Democratic Republic of Congo as well as the audio dramatization created by Faith Comes By Hearing, an American non-profit organization company organization founded in 1972 that records and freely provides the Bible in the languages of the world.

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The Gospel of Matthew written in Tshiluba. Lumu luimpe lua disanka, lufunda kudi Matayi.

The Bible Society of DRC

The Bible Society of the Democratic Republic of Congo (BSDRC) or otherwise known in french as "Alliance Biblique de la RDC" was formed in 1954 at the nation's capital. In 1969, it became a full member of the United Bible Societies (UBS) which has member societies in over 200 countries world-wide. The original Bible Society was called the British and Foreign Bible Society founded by William Wilberforce in on March 7, 1804 in Swindon, England. The mission of this organization is to make the Bible available to the world, breaking down the barriers that exist between different languages.

The story that inspired Wilberforce to launch the British and Foreign Bible Society is a story about a 15 year old Welsh girl named Mary Jones who walked 26 miles in North Wales just to buy a Welsh Bible. Mary Jones was determined to have a bible in her native language. Just like Mary, there are many people in the deep corners of DRC who need books in their own languages. Many of them have no literature in their native languages, and Tshiluba Co aims to discover all Luba literature while educating and informing the world of work that has already been established for Luba readers.

Faith Comes By Hearing

Faith Comes By Hearing is the organization responsible for creating the audio dramatization of the Tshiluba Bible, which was translated by the BSDRC and published in 1996. Faith Comes By Hearing is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1972 with the aim to provide recorded audio bibles in all languages of the world. The idea for producing audio Bibles came from Christian missionaries named Jerry Jackson and Anet Jackson on a missionary trip to a Hopi Indian reservation, where they discovered that written Bibles translated into the Hopi language were not being used due to chronic illiteracy.

The Bible in Tshiluba: The Gospel of Matthew

We at Tshiluba Co have combined the efforts of the BSDRC and Faith Comes By Hearing non-profit organization by creating a video resource for Luba readers and listeners to read and hear the Bible in Tshiluba via a simple YouTube video. By using this resource, you can hear and read along with native Luba speakers directly from Kasai. Be sure to like and subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay connected as we promote Luba literature and develop more educational content.

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